Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
It wasn't much quieter, but it was still odd. We haven't had a Thanksgiving that was just the four of us in a long time, not since the one year Jim was at the Willistons' (as he was this year) and Micah was still dating Bri and grandparents weren't expected for another three weeks. What I've noticed about my family is that we are very loud and when relatives from back East aren't over, we are not thinking about being on our best behavior.Dad: so you missed a lot of great lines when you went to bed, hon. [referring to that horrendous movie we watched]Mom: yeah? did they say "vagina" again?Micah: ew, Mom, we're at the table, com'on.Mom: I'm just saying!Me: no, but they uh--Micah: said much more colorful thingsMe: yeah. that's a nice way to say it.Mom: hmmmm.Micah: I can't believe you said vagina at the table. It's Thanksgiving.Mom: Well, if company were here, I wouldn't have, I'm just saying.My dad shakes his head, smiling at his plate.The day was great. Surreal even. We just hung out the four of us like our life used to be before anyone went to college. Before Micah was able to escape to Bet's house however, we ad to take a family picture for Christmas cards. Now, Mom decided to go back on her word because she had not put any makeup on. I raised my voice in protest. But it turns out that I'm the only one who read her email about taking a portrait. The men were completely oblivious.Me: "For goodness sakes! You tell me to bring an extra shirt in case we don't match SO I DID. AND! I rolled out of bed at 11:39 and you said we'd eat at noon and I felt so bad cuz I was running late so I didn't even feed the cat! or eat breakfast cuz I had wanted to come over early to help but since I knew we were taking a family picture, I put my makeup on and did my hair and dressed nice and brought an extra shirt, like I said, and I was late, and now you're telling me that we're not going to take a picture after all?!"My monologue inspired action. I wish I could have video recorded the proceedings. Dad, the director, sets up the shot, has me hold the white balance card, sets the timer, positions us on our marks and instructs us to look like we're coming in the door. He assures us there is a story to it and positions us slightly different each time telling me to stand in front and just turn on my "photogenia"Me: my what?Micah: "Photogenia"? Sounds like a link I can click on the internet.Mom: what?It's too late, I'm laughing so hard I'm cryingMe, through tears: hold on, take 5.Dad: oh man. we were SO close! Micah!Micah: I'm just saying!Mom: I don't get it. Is that from that movie?I get back in position in time for Micah to be attempting suicide via the light switch.Dad: ok, one more. Last one.Micah, quietly: it better beMom: did you just say BITE ME?Me: mom! watch your language.Micah: ballsMom: I can't--!Dad: penis!I'm crying with mirth againMom: what was that for?Me: are we starting a round of the penis game? In that case--PENIS!Dad: ok, now that everybody's smiling....!We smile until the double flashMicah: i'm done. peace.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
This New Life
Friday, September 4, 2009
The Best Week
Monday, August 31, 2009
I keep having these dreams
Sunday, August 30, 2009
But He is Good
But He won't say the words you wish that he would(Kendall Payne)
Oh, he don't do the deeds you know that He could
He won't think the thoughts you think He should
But He is good, He is good
I know you're thirsty, the water is free
But I should warn you, it costs everything
Well, He's not fair, no He's not fair
When He fixes what's beyond repair
And graces everyone that don't deserve
But He won't say the words you wish that he would
Oh, he don't do the deeds you know that He could
He won't think the thoughts you think He should
But He is good, He is good
No one knows Him whom eyes never seen
No, I don't know Him but He knows me
He knows me, He knows me
Lay down your layers, shed off your skin
But without His incision, you can't enter in
He cuts deep, yeah He cuts deep
When the risk is great and the talk is cheap
But never leaves a wounded one behind
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I Never Said I was Brave
Onward, Progress or so it seems
You might laugh, but you'll never smile
Come on in and waste away a while
My stomach swears there's comfort there
In the warmth, in the blankets, on your bed
My stomach's always been a liar
I believe it lies again(again)
No use in saying how im sorry
So I'm trying not to speak
I'll sing in silence, as I lay beside you
My face against, against your cheek
When dreams of rings of flowers fade and blur
Giving way to that familiar ill
Come over, come over, where I'm waiting
No use in saying how I'm sorry
So I'm trying not to speak
Sing in silence, as I lay beside you
My face against, against your cheek
You're used to saying
(If you'd unlatch the window)
How I'm sorry
(If you'd let me)
So I am trying not to speak
(If you'd give me another chance)
I'll sing in silence
(If you'd forget that pain)
As I lay beside you
(If you'd unlatch the window)
My face against, against your cheek
(If you'd let me lay there on your floor)
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I believe God made me for a purpose, but He also made me fast, and when I run, I feel His pleasure.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
On my Bones
What these years have brought me
What these years have taught me
Heartache and fame, a chance to change
A hope to be stronger
That beauty can smolder
A stage and a curtain, that nothing's for certain
Oh these years have been hard on my bones
What this world has brought me
What this world has taught me
Senseless spinning, never tie instead of winning
Ice cream for licking, the clock's always ticking
No one is free, someone must have a key
Oh this world has been hard on my bones
All this time I'd been seeking my own
Oh this road has been hard on my bones
What this love has brought me
What this love has taught me
Patience in battle, who's in the saddle
Joy and despair, that I really do care
Uncertain desire the risk in going higher
Oh this love has been hard on my bones
What this God has brought me
What this God has taught me
Passion and grace, how to stand in one's space
Laughing at lilies, what truly fulfills me
Death on a cross, it was I that was lost
Oh this God has been life to these bones
Oh this God has been life to my bones
(Kendall Payne)
No but really
I ache to the bone and not just from standing on my feet for the past two weeks.
God, could I ever focus?
Patience in battle. That is what I need dear Lord, more than anything
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
She said 'yes'
The Lord's Prayer
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I have a lot of stress
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Trashy Treasure
Summer is the Time
Sunday, August 9, 2009
A Little Summer to be Had
Saturday, August 8, 2009
I visited a website that made me feel as if I had intruded upon something sacred.
Dedicated to taking pictures of stillborn babies, the site is full of quiet disturbing images that make my breath catch in my lungs. It is so odd because unlike so many things, there is no wickedness connected to the gruesomeness of the subject matter.
This is just how things happen sometimes. Sometimes people die before they are born.
I do not want to open my heart to these things
I do not want to have to face my deep fears of losing a child.
I do not want to intrude on someone else's private sorrow.
But this is part of my research and it must be done. And as I said earlier, sometimes you have to see a lot of dark in order to recognize light.
This was my moment today--
Not because it was a small joy for which I was thankful
but because I am braving terrain untraveled. I went someplace I've never been before
and it will be a fair amount of effort to reenter.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
I was at work (which is at Biola on the McNally campus, Rood building, down the hall from Campus Safety field office.)
And in one of the classrooms between my office and campus safety, I could see people in uniforms, holding guns aimed at the opposite wall
And I was really disturbed
Biola--what are we doing?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I got one for two which isn't bad
but isn't good either
I miss my best friend
I feel so whole when she is here
and slightly, presistently lost when she's gone
Jeannette, no more Idaho, no more Arizona, no more Utah, no more distance
But for now, she is here and life is happy :)
Sunday, August 2, 2009
I hung out with Lex again at her parents' place
While walking around post-dinner
We came across a goldmine of stuff on someone's curb
We took a set of drawers
two bookcases
and the most amazing collection of art books you could possibly imagine
We made out like bandits
Today it was confirmed that she is to room with Sarah and me in our new house
She is to come back to biola
fingers crossed and knees to the floor in prayer
hopefully, this will be an amazing year
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Crash & Burn
Friday, July 31, 2009
Worth Holding Onto
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
It's Already Begun...

The end of everything and the beginning of new things, that is.
I realized this crystal clear as I didn't after graduation--not even as after everyone went home for summer.
But yesterday I talked to an aquaintence from the film program, Caleb and though he is living in my brother house, he is no longer going to biola. He will be here. We will have get togethers at his house and our house, but he is gone in the sense of the film program. so odd. but Caleb, why move back? I thought about this quite a bit
& then even more so today because I took my lunch break in the biola caf and I realized that I would not enjoy the familiar meal community three/two times a day as I did the past two years.
I sat by the big window where Nate, Sam, Alyssa, Josh and sometimes Courtney, Beth and LB would sit every Monday and Wednesday Spring semester for lunch, pre Linguistics for Nate and me. This is how I met Sam and LB, my now housemate. This is how I was invited to Gnome Night at Nine. This is Nate and I hashed out our ethnographies and made jokes no one but anthro majors could possibly find funny.
But this scene will not be recreated this coming year. None of us are living on campus. I am saddened by this--intensified probably by the realization that people really are leaving. I have not had really close friends graduate yet but they will start this year with Kendall and Mandy and Nathan. Slowly but surely, we're diffusing. Moving off campus is just the beginning of it. Soon, college is over and we begin again.
But enough of being depressing
Here's to the end of summer. Here's the the beginning of a new, wonderful, challenging, frustrating, rewarding year. Here's to new adventures. Here's to living off campus. Here's to the beginning of the end
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009
The Open Road
This weekend has been wonderful & I have Kelsey, her family, MikeV, the random coffee baristas and kindly store owners to thank for that.
The open road stretches before me, quiet, unassuming. The rain falls softly. I open all the windows and sun roof, listening to a mixed CD of both my friends' and professional popular artists' music.
I am peaceful inside.
California (and the stress I left there (momentarily)) secretes from my skin along with the sweat. Lips are dry. Skin scrapes off in dirty particles like a pilling sweater. My makeup creases around my eyes, melts on my cheeks and forehead. Kelsey's mom does not approve. She tries to convert me.
So many adventures, too much excitement and wonder to really describe.
When there are so many "moments"--all I can do is make a list... though as detailed as I can convince myself to articulate!!!!
Photo shoots with Sisters Heng
(in the) 100+ degree heat
(but thank God!) Coffee (sometimes hot) three times a day.
--> At least one new coffee house a day: Dunkin Donuts, Lux, Copper Star
Then: Used record stores/weird stores/weird people/weird Kelsey/weird me
Punctuated by: Long drives=my slowly emptying head and heart
Once, twice: The empty, noisy Lightrail
Littered with: Candid photos
-->Kelsey playing camera peek-a-boo
The anarchist library/Orange/Joey the Anthro-film major/Mikey with the homemade tattoos, my instant friend
Pissing off the baristo at Copper Star
It goes by in a flash--but my mind is taking notes. I fall silent from time to time, my wheels whirling away, attempting to remember every detail, fill in every pixil. And then I'm back on the road, racing the sun Westward. The earth is pink, gray and tan until Cochella where green crops up again, the heat climbing to 112 F before dropping the other side of the chocolate-chip covered mountains. I love this world. I love the dry places: Anasazi Territory to Mojave Territory, the former Northern Mexico. I love the relentless sun, the beautiful sparkling asphalt and sand, the shrubbery that could be from the Austrailian Outback. As much as I want to leave this country, as much as I loved leaving the State, I can't deny-->I love this earth, this beautiful country. I love the places full of turqouise and sandstone of woven baskets and sweltering weather, sweaty thighs on cowhide, hair that doesn't stick to dry lips, night that just feels like darkened day.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
The Downs

Friday, July 17, 2009
Do Not Send
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Love and Carbs
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Look at this Hipster!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Royal Pain
Saturday, July 11, 2009
The lounge
Friday, July 10, 2009
Love and Old Age
The "moment" of the day does not hit you with force
It sneaks up on you and embraces you from behind and you are filled with peace.
When I first started this blog, I thought I'd only write down the "moments" that made me laugh until I cried because the combination of those two things is just so great. You laugh until you cry. You cry until you laugh and everyone must breathe until their dying breath.
I have been thinking a lot about old, worn-in love. At DT Disney yesterday, Hannah and I pointed out a lot of it to each other. There is something so great about being old, worn-out, wrinkly, saggy and kinda fat (or just fat) and holding hands with some other old broken down human being that you just enjoy the company of so fiercely.
Today in Whittier I followed around a couple a little while before I felt the nudge of the "moment", soft and peaceful, point out to me, "you in 25 years":
A woman, rotund and weathered, with short hair pulled back from her face,
a bright auburn that must have been chemically enhanced,
wearing a flowing brown skirt, leather sandals and silver bangles
Linked her first two fingers with the last two fingers of a taller man
whose long dirty blond hair was pulled back into a loose, sloppy bun
his face a beautiful explosion of sea-battered leathery skin
and graying whiskers
Their freckled and sagging arms swinging slightly
That's right
You thought I wasn't a romantic person
And neither did I
But luckily, I am young, and there's still time to reinvent
Before I get old, wrinkly, saggy, kinda fat and set in my ways
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The Moped Gang
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Some Days
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Desert Rain
Friday, July 3, 2009
Good morning
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
VW Van
Monday, June 29, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Beth C
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
The Metro
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Song Writing
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
High Five
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Downtown Disney
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Donut Dance