The end of everything and the beginning of new things, that is.
I realized this crystal clear as I didn't after graduation--not even as after everyone went home for summer.
But yesterday I talked to an aquaintence from the film program, Caleb and though he is living in my brother house, he is no longer going to biola. He will be here. We will have get togethers at his house and our house, but he is gone in the sense of the film program. so odd. but Caleb, why move back? I thought about this quite a bit
& then even more so today because I took my lunch break in the biola caf and I realized that I would not enjoy the familiar meal community three/two times a day as I did the past two years.
I sat by the big window where Nate, Sam, Alyssa, Josh and sometimes Courtney, Beth and LB would sit every Monday and Wednesday Spring semester for lunch, pre Linguistics for Nate and me. This is how I met Sam and LB, my now housemate. This is how I was invited to Gnome Night at Nine. This is Nate and I hashed out our ethnographies and made jokes no one but anthro majors could possibly find funny.
But this scene will not be recreated this coming year. None of us are living on campus. I am saddened by this--intensified probably by the realization that people really are leaving. I have not had really close friends graduate yet but they will start this year with Kendall and Mandy and Nathan. Slowly but surely, we're diffusing. Moving off campus is just the beginning of it. Soon, college is over and we begin again.
But enough of being depressing
Here's to the end of summer. Here's the the beginning of a new, wonderful, challenging, frustrating, rewarding year. Here's to new adventures. Here's to living off campus. Here's to the beginning of the end
I'm excited for you