My Father, Baba
You are so beautiful
so strong. Thank You for Your love which I cherish more than anything.
Your will be done in my life, in this house, in our home
At school, just You plan it, may I have peace with it
Please provide for us all we need, though not what we want
What we want is so silly
Make me have the sobriety to realize the difference
I would ask You to forgive my mess, but You already have
Encourage me to remain good
To read with You
To take bread and wine and love and Forgiveness
Make it real
remind me to forgive myself
and have forgiveness for everyone else
Like Frau Koeller always said, keep us safe from the evil and violence of the world
You are mine
And I am Yours
Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus
and to take Him at His word
And to rest upon His promise
and to know 'Thus said the Lord'!
Jesus, Jesus how I trust You
how I've prove You or and or!
O but Grace to trust You more!
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